CBC Loan Protection Protect Your Family Against The Unexpected Life can be wonderful, but it can also get complicated when unexpected things happen. Protecting your loan balance or loan payments against death, disability, or involuntary unemployment could help protect your finances. This protection could cancel your loan balance or payments up to the contract maximums. Life Plus adds protection for life events such as accidental dismemberment, terminal illness, hospitalization, family medical leave, and loss of life of a non-protected dependent. Protect your loan balance or loan payments today so your family can worry a little less about tomorrow. In the Event of…DeathDisabilityInvoluntaryUnemploymentWhat Happens…Protected borrower passes awayA covered disability occurs due to injury or illnessA covered job loss occursIt Cancels This…up to the contract maxYour payments or loan balanceYour loan paymentsYour loan paymentsYour May Be Eligible If You…Have an eligible loanAre a permanent employee who is actively working* – Are a permanent employee who is actively working* – Are honorably discharged *Refer to the member agreement for a full explanation of terms and conditions. Ask a Loan Officer to protect what matters most to you. The table below is intended to provide a general description of the optional protection program for consumer loans. Protection for Consumer LoansLifeDisabilityInvoluntary UnemploymentType of CancellationBalance CancellationPayment CancellationPayment CancellationMaximum BenefitsUp to $100,000The maximum benefit will reduce at age 70The earliest of 12 months or $12,000 per occurrenceThe earliest of 12 months or $12,000 per occurrenceWaiting Periods*N/A30 DayNon-Retro for a Protected event30 DayNon-Retro for a Protected eventSpecified Period Limitation**6-monthpre-existingcondition limit6-monthpre-existingcondition limit3-month benefitexclusion fromdate of loanor advance Additional eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions apply. Refer to your member agreement for a full explanation of terms and conditions. *With Retro plans, after satisfying the waiting period, benefits begin from the first day of loss. With Non-Retro plans, benefits begin after the waiting period has been satisfied. Refer to the contract for complete details.**Under the Contract terms, there are specific limitations for events that occur within a specified period immediately following the Effective Date of Protection for a loan or advance. Refer to the contract for complete details. Your purchase of Debt Protection with Life Plus is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan.