Adjustable Rate Loans Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investment decisions you will ever make. You can trust CBC for professional guidance and efficient processing to make your experience easier. Lower initial monthly payments Perfect for those who will be in their homes for a limited time and want flexible mortgage options Good choice for those expecting solid growth in household income Offer low rates that only adjust after the initial five or seven years of the loan 5/6M and 7/6M ARMs at our lowest rates Conforming, High Balance and Jumbo loans available Get Started Online Applying is fast and easy! Apply Online Meet our experts Our mortgage team is ready to help and happy to answer your questions! Sarai Warren NMLS# 228558 (805) 278-5797 [email protected] Junior Bibian NMLS# 522456 (805) 278-5716 [email protected] Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) 1,2 Conforming 5/6M ARM (up to $766,550) ProductRateAPRPointsMarginIndexCaps EstPayment per $10005/6M5.875%7.560%.002.75%5.347%2/1/5$5.927/6M6.000%7.390%.002.75%5.347%5/1/5$6.00 High Balance 5/6M ARM (up to $954,500) ProductRateAPRPointsMarginIndexCaps EstPayment per $10005/6M6.875%7.868%.502.75%5.347%2/1/5$6.577/6M6.875%7.750%.502.75%5.347% 5/1/5$6.57 Jumbo (up to $1,500,000) ProductRateAPRPointsMarginIndexCaps EstPayment per $10005/6M6.250%7.644%.02.75%5.347%2/1/5$6.167/6M6.250%7.465%.02.75%5.347%5/1/5$6.16 Conforming (up to $766,550)3 ProductRateAPRPointsMarginIndexCaps EstPayment per $10005/56.875%6.516%.02.75%3.730%5/2/5$6.57 Jumbo (up to $1,500,000) ProductRate APRPoints MarginIndexCaps EstPayment per $10005/56.250%6.436%.02.75%3.730%5/2/5$6.16 Estimated payment examples do not include property tax, insurance, or HOA fees, so your actual payment will be higher. Rates are not automatically locked in at time of application. Loan rate locks can be requested in writing after your loan has been pre-approved by CBC FCU. Other restrictions may apply. Call for details. Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) after the initial 5 years, the rate may adjust every 6 months by no more than 2%. The maximum lifetime adjustment is 5%. Maximum 95% LTV on conforming and high balance purchases and 95% LTV on refinances. Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) after the initial 7 years, the rate may adjust every 6 months by no more than 5%. The maximum lifetime adjustment is 5%. Maximum 95% LTV on conforming and high balances purchases and refinances. CMT Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM): The estimated payment is based on an owner occupied 30 year, 5 year ARM at 80% LTV. After the initial 5 years, the rate may adjust every 5 years by no more than 5%. • The maximum lifetime cap is 5%. Maximum 95% LTV on conforming and high balance purchases and 95% LTV on refinances. Related Products Jumbo Loans Great terms and rates. Balances up to $1,500,000 Continue Reading Fixed Rate Loans Fixed-Rate Loans Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investment decisions you will ever… Continue Reading Home Loan Overview Home Loan Overview CBC is your trusted partner in getting the home of your dreams…. Continue Reading